The weather is finally starting to cool down and the nights at least semi-resemble winter. This brings out our sweaters, and often our winter cold, too. Sadly, this is the worst moment to get winter colds– we still have a few more days before Christmas break. And now, our barely-hanging-on minds have a matching ill body. Nyquil would do the trick rather nicely. Unfortunately, we all must remain conscious and somewhat coherent until break. This complicates matters, significantly. So, I usually try to stick with home remedies as best I can. Now, if I need to take meds, I will down whatever the doctors give me. But, I at least try natural remedies, when available.
Remedies for Winter Colds
I don’t have cure-all remedies that make everything all better within a matter of minutes. But these at least seem to make me feel better, and sometimes, you just need to make it through the day alive, even if not with a song and dance.
Cold Tea
I try to drink this as soon as I can feel a cold coming on or I’m feeling sluggish. It usually helps prevent the cold from ever hitting, unless it’s a really nasty one. But, it can also help pick me up after a rough day.
- EmergenC (full packet)
- Local Honey (2 tsp)
- Ginger (ground or fresh, just a sprinkling)
- Cloves essential oil (only 1 drop)
- Peppermint essential oil (only 1 drop)
- Thieves essential oil (only 1 drop)
- Tea if your choice
- any EmergenC will work, but I find the orange ones taste the best when mixed with other ingredients
- just because the honey has a local city on the title doesn’t mean local– make sure that it isn’t just packaged here (Central Market has a lot of options for these)
- make sure your essential oils can be consumed (it has to state on the bottle that it’s safe for consumption)– Young Living’s Vitality line are all for the purpose of consuming
- if you have strep throat, steer clear of green and black teas, which have caffeine– this makes most sore throats worse
Detox Bath
If you read my earlier post this week, you know my newfound appreciation for detox baths.
- Epsom Salt, 1/4 cup
- Apple Vinegar, 1/4 cup
- Baking Soda, 1/4 cup
- Himalayan Salt, 1/5 cup
- Essential oils (totaling 10 drops-ish)
Essential Oils
- Lavender
- Peppermint oil
Make sure you don’t stay in too long, as you’ll already be dehydrated from the cold. I would suggest leaning back with a rolled towel behind your head so you don’t get a headache.
Essential Oils
In addition to a bath, itself, there are some essential oils you can rub onto your forehead or the back of your neck that might help:
- Lemon: rub onto thyroid & sinuses, if swollen or congested
- Breathe Again: rub on chest and throat for congestion
- Stress Away: rub on the back of your neck if your having problems sleeping
- Motivation: rub on chest, neck and throat, if you’re trying to start your day
These are my favorite remedies, but I’m always looking for more. Let me know what works for you!